People are not machine
Nor a robot
They are not coded with complex scripts
Not programmed with countable numbers
Nor even can be predicted with combination and permutation
People are not machine
All their thoughts cannot be simply written on word with existing letters on the keyboard
Their feelings cannot be easily heard just by connecting a cable
So does the mind, cannot be arranged as easy as you arrange your desktop's display
People are not machine
Even you are not
Even I am not
People are not machine
And thus I can't predict your act using any kind of statistics formula
People are full of uncertainty
With all numbers of possibilities in this universe
One might choose none of them
Or maybe all of them
People are not machine
And that is the charm
Surprises, unpredicted bugs
People are not machine

People are not machine 


PEoPle aRe nOt
And I,
                                               Fall for a person
                  That is

The mind has stopped working 


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