I got slapped, and I wake up.

So it was one day during my long-happy-yet-boring holiday. I've got to see something that really catches my attention, and somehow, I feel so lucky to get a chance to see one. I feel so because it slapped me really hard and finally makes me wake up.
I saw the other side of life I've never imagined before.
I've seen and heard of it in television and some other medias, but never expect to see it with my eyes. Even yesterday, never a second I had a thought I will get to see that.
By a miss communication between me and my friends, I got myself and my other friend stuck in an unknown place we've never been to. None of us expected it to happen.
You know what kind of place we get stuck in? It's in a small public elementary school that is located in a small, crowded and humid alley.
The first time I stepped on the alley, I really was surprised and not sure if there will be a school in a really small alley - which only can be passed by a motorcycle -.
Surprisingly, there is one.
It has three stories for its main building, one small building (it might be like an auditorium or something), and a small market. It's surrounded by many filthy flats, and its ground is really slippery, that I even saw with my own two eyes, a young mother that was about to leave the school after drop her son almost slipped.
My first impression was:
The condition around indeed need to be fixed, how could they let so many kids have an education in a circumstance that doesn't even support it?
At least, make it safe for them to play around.
It really woke me up from my reality that I usually complain about. I shouldn't have done that. Why should I seek more if what I got already more than enough?
Reality hurts, but somehow, those who deserve more have to face it regularly.
One of my biggest reason why I choose my major in architecture was to change my town. I've been living here for almost 18 years, but nothing has changed much. Various buildings, shopping center, hospitals have been built and make this city changed a lot by view, but the social condition itself, still the same.
I have no intention in joining politics and become a mayor and organize everything in the city, but at least I should make a change with the kids and some people. Even the most powerless person in the city still has a big impact on the city itself.

A note to myself and readers:
1. Be grateful. You've had enough. How do I know that? You are now reading this short letter using the internet which means you have money to pay one. Have any thoughts on sharing it? 
2. Make a change on what's around you. How can you live with the same situation all the time after knowing a little mistake on it? Don't you sick of it?  
3. No, it doesn't have to be a really big change. A small one could lead into a big one.

P.S. Sorry if there is any grammar or vocab error. English is not my native language hehe.
P.P.S Its just like a discussion letter(?) I just mean to share my thought, not even trying to blabbering some bullshts or trying to fix my image or trying to be the wisest person on blog or in the universe
P.P.P.S Unfortunately, I didn't take any picture of the school. 
P.P.P.P.S ok enough.


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