
Showing posts from November, 2023

Wonder, Swindler

Have you ever trapped in a situation where you feel like everything in your life is a scam? Even yourself and every achievements you have achieved are also scams? You perceive every good things are too good to happen in your life and all are caused by external forces, although some people told you those are rewards from your hard work. Not a mere luck. It is a truly painful situation, because you cannot even recognize yourself and your true ability. There are several times I got called as that "multi-talented" kid. Some assume whatever I do will always have good results. I can do anything, they assume. You can be anything you want, they assume. The "high-achiever" kid. I once got told I have a lucky and happy life because I had never experience failure. I had explain I have experienced one, and got debunked right away because the failure I experienced is NOT as bad, hence, invalid. What is a failure then? How devastated should I become to make what I consider a