
Showing posts from July, 2023

Pause! A 2-year reconciliation with one’s self

They are running, while I can only walk. I had to re-orient my future plan 2 years ago. The long-term dream of working in the same line as my hobby was all broken into pieces as soon as I decided to leave the job I had. Jealousy ate all my thoughts as I found out most people around me already landed on their first job, while I felt like I have to go a long way back to square one: re-orient my plan. The first few months of re-entering the world I would not believe I truly have entered again was hard. The fact that I have to move slower than others was devastating. While I know for sure all those updates on social media were only intended to share one’s story of the day, with no intention to show off, I got myself in a cage of hatred, anger, and jealousy. I hate myself for not making it look as cool as others, making money, being independent financially, being a career woman, running a business smoothly, and many more. I hate myself for once again having to be trapped with the same is