
Showing posts from March, 2023

Welcoming the Pre-Quarter Phase

As the night breeze approached me, I looked up into the sky and saw the city lights from skyscrapers that surround the shelter where I stood. I always love seeing the city skyline at night, although it still thrills every time seeing them since it means I am still far from my home. Yet, here I am a few hours before the day changes its date, and that magnificent view is still right before my eyes. I am still in an unknown place I had never visited before with people I do not even know. They say that is adulting--spending your day at work, making money, paying taxes, and traveling by yourself. Basically, going around places by yourself. They say that is what it means to grow up. If adulting this sucks, why would kids await this moment so much? If adulting means we have to get used to being and enduring everything alone, why would kids await this moment so much? There come the night thoughts while enjoying music with the bus' announcement voice in the background as I am on my

The Unidentified

I can feel it there The unknown occurrence of what I think is not supposed to exist within myself It is something intangible that words cannot explain comprehensively It is there within my thoughts within my anger within the intangible notion of what humans call a soul It is somewhere in my body I can feel it there and I fully realize it is there Sorrow, anger, and disappointment altogether within that hole And,  The hole is getting bigger 

Nothing, just

It all started with nothing. I had nothing on you. You had nothing on me. We had nothing in between us. Has it ever occured to you, the sligthest movement of dust from the slowest wind movement totally change your perspective towards something that once was nothing?  Is it the wind that create the magic or is it the eyes that finally realize the magic that has been happening right in front of them?   It is truly magical seeing how even the smallest movement from the smallest particle may shake the stable nothing into an unstable something. Will that nothing  eventually ge t affected by the micro abstract movement from an unknown being? Will the magic work?