
Showing posts from October, 2023

Trust and Respect

Google defines trust as firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.  Consciously or unconsciously, most of us move and work based on our trust. If we trust a guide or a direction, we move, and we work. Hence, a doubt can be the source of a stop, a pause, or even a static condition.  If we compare it to a machine, trust is the oil that affects the smoothness of the machine's movement and its working performance. The challenge is that trust cannot easily be bought in minimarkets or random automotive tenants it should be earned genuinely.  You cannot force people to trust you. One should show their ability, achievement, action, manner, and any other physical movement that can work as proof to earn people's trust. That is why it is so magical, at least for me, when someone trusts me so much over something important in the professional world.  Based on my observation, once trust is earned, one can get the bigger price, with almost the same va